
The WeebWalls.com website and any content, products, or services available through the site are governed by this disclaimer. By accessing and using WeebWalls.com, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth here. If you do not agree to this disclaimer, please do not use our website.

We provides an online platform for anime fans to access wallpapers, fan art, and related content. By visiting our website and using our services, you acknowledge agreement with the terms of this disclaimer.

Copyrights & Trademarks

All anime wallpapers and fan art images showcased on WeebWalls.com are either created by our team of artists or sourced from third parties. We claims no ownership or monetary gain from third-party content, which is displayed for promotional and informational purposes only.

While our team creates many of the wallpapers and fan art displayed on our website, we do not claim any rights to the characters, settings, or stories from which these artworks are inspired. All rights to the original works belong to the respective studios, manga writers, and other copyright holders.

Downloading Content

Users may download WeebsWalls content for personal, non-commercial use only. Reproducing, distributing, or commercially exploiting our content without permission is strictly prohibited. This also applies to any paid or premium content offerings.

Any anime wallpapers or fan art downloaded from WeebWalls.com may only be used for individual purposes. The content cannot be redistributed, sold, or used commercially per copyright law. However, we do sell some live wallpapers, and any purchases must adhere to the terms provided at the time of sale.

Disclaimers of Warranty

We provides all content, products, and services on an “as is” basis without warranties of any kind. We make no representations or guarantees regarding the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, reliability, or availability of any information on our website.

We also disclaims any promises or assurances about the wallpapers, fan art, and other offerings on our website. All access and use of such content or services is at the user’s sole risk.

Limitation of Liability

We cannot be held liable for any damages or losses resulting from the use of our website, services, or content. This includes loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any other intangible losses that may arise.

Users acknowledge that WeebWalls accepts no liability for any incidental, punitive, direct, indirect, or other consequential damages related to their use of our website, wallpapers, fan art, or any other offerings.

Third-Party Websites

Our website may link to external sites not operated by WeebWalls. We have no control over their policies, terms, accuracy, or completeness. Users access third-party sites at their own risk.

We accepts no liability for damages incurred from the use of outside websites accessed via links on our website. Users are responsible for reviewing the terms and privacy policies of all third-party sites.


You agree to fully indemnify, defend, and hold harmless WeebWalls and its officers, directors, employees, and partners from any claims, damages, or losses related to your use of our website or violation of this Disclaimer.

By accessing the WeesWalls website, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless our company from any copyright violations, damages, or other legal actions connected to your site use. This includes compensating WeebWalls for legal fees or losses incurred.

Modifications & Contact

We reserve the right to modify this Disclaimer without notice and users are bound by the most current version. Contact us at [email protected] for any Disclaimer-related inquiries.

WeebWalls may amend this Disclaimer at any time. Users must periodically review this page to ensure compliance with the latest version. Please email [email protected] with any Disclaimer questions or concerns.